About us

Created in September 2018, MEDSELL is a distribution company that aims to promote and market innovative medical devices. Its aim is to offer French healthcare players innovative products with high added value.

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Ensure a successful market entry in France

Our solutions

All our solutions

Ambulatory actimetry – Parkinson’s disease

Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by the destruction of a specific population of neurons involved in movement control. At present, there is no cure for this disease, and treatment aims to control symptoms by optimizing medication plans. Optimizing and personalizing treatment currently relies on clinical interviews, diaries and scales, although in the future it could benefit from information on symptoms and compliance collected outside the clinic while patients carry out their normal daily activities.

Our solution

Nasal applicator – Primary and induced headaches

Primary headaches
Migraines with or without aura
Tension headaches
Post-traumatic stress headache
Atypical facial pain
Trigeminal neuralgia

Headaches, characterized by recurrent headaches, are one of the most widespread disorders of the nervous system. It is generally estimated that almost half the adult population has had at least one headache in the past year. Headaches are associated with a burden on the individual and society, in the form of pain, disability and deterioration in quality of life. Headache is the painful, incapacitating manifestation of a limited number of primary headache disorders, namely migraine, tension headache and facial vascular angina.

Our solution

Expertise & Services

Sales and sales force support

  • Customer service and logistics
  • Management of calls for tender / purchasing groups


  • Customer targeting / market assessment
  • Dedicated business plans and profitability analyses
  • Hospital formulary listing process
  • KOL management and advisory services

Marketing & Communication

  • Sales brochures
  • Conventions / Symposiums
  • Training and education programs

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